Category Archives: Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges or corners of the toenail grow into the skin surrounding the nail, causing pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes infection. Ingrown toenails usually affect the big toe and can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper nail trimming, wearing tight shoes, injury or trauma to the toe, or having naturally curved nails.

Mild cases of ingrown toenails can often be treated at home by soaking the foot in warm water, gently pushing the skin away from the nail, and carefully trimming the nail straight across. Wearing comfortable shoes with plenty of room for the toes to move and avoiding tight or pointed footwear can also help prevent ingrown toenails.

In more severe cases, medical treatment may be necessary, especially if the toe becomes infected. A doctor may need to lift the nail and place a small piece of cotton or dental floss underneath it to encourage it to grow away from the skin. In some cases, a portion of the nail may need to be removed to prevent further ingrown toenails from occurring.

It is important to seek medical attention for ingrown toenails that are causing significant pain, redness, or swelling, as untreated infections can spread and lead to more serious complications.

Put Your Best Foot Forward: Tips for Avoiding Ingrown Toenails

Breaking the Nail of the Matter: Understanding and Preventing Ingrown Toenails Treatment for ingrown toenails typically involves lifting the affected portion of the nail and keeping it clean and dry. In some cases, a portion of the nail may need … Continue reading

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